New Beginnings

For the past couple of months I have taken daily morning walks. Without fail, every morning at 8 am. On these daily walks I have seen so many butterflies… like so many butterflies. When I first started seeing them I thought it was so nice, then as I saw more and more and more I wondered what the meaning behind them were. I once read that seeing butterflies mean that past loved ones are trying to tell you something.

Maybe you wouldn’t know, but I really love all sorts of spiritual meanings, philosophy on life, and even more the law of attraction and everything else under the umbrella of these things. So deep down I knew that me spotting all these butterflies every morning and even afternoons meant something.

I actually started becoming a little annoyed that I did not know what it meant and why I couldn’t “hear” what I was trying to be told. At first I thought it meant free spirit, and maybe there’s some truth in that, but I also had a feeling that part of it had to do with my debate of moving to Chicago for the summer. Oh yeah, I’m trying to move to Chicago for the summer by the way.

Well anyways today I was on my phone, as I am everyday of my life lol. Also pre note, I’ve had the same background / home screen for A WHILE now. So long that one I never actually read the quote anymore and two I wouldn’t have even been able to tell you what it said. Well now I very much do. When I read the quote on my background it said “trust the magic of new beginnings” with a picture of a hand reaching for a butterfly. When I tell you it instantly clicked, it clicked. That is the meaning behind my butterfly sign.

A couple months ago I got this gut feeling that I should move to Chicago for the summer. I just knew I should. My internship is remote so I can work from anywhere, this is my last summer break I’ll ever have, and my perfect opportunity to live there for just the summer (I cannot take cold weather so winter in Chicago might actually kill this Floridian girl). To top off all the signs of signs I took an Uber one Friday and my Uber driver ended up being from Chicago, in one of my classes my professor started reading off different cities from a list and mentioned only Chicago, and somehow all the way in Tampa, Florida I got both a big and little from the suburbs of Chicago. Like c’mon!

Now as I look for apartments, seeing what Chicago is like with COVID still glooming around, and how I manage my internship and a new city I will continue to write updates. Hopefully someone will enjoy this journey :))

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